Results for 'Melanie Elise Renfrew'

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  1.  30
    Addressing the COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis: A Perspective on Using Interdisciplinary Universal Interventions.Geraldine Przybylko, Darren Peter Morton & Melanie Elise Renfrew - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mental health is reaching a crisis point due to the ramifications of COVID-19. In an attempt to curb the spread of the virus and circumvent health systems from being overwhelmed, governments have imposed regulations such as lockdown restrictions and home confinement. These restrictions, while effective for infection control, have contributed to poorer lifestyle behaviors. Currently, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine are two distinct but complimentary disciplines that offer an array of evidence-based approaches for promoting mental health and well-being across a (...)
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  2. « De l’éthique à l’ergothérapie » de Marie-Josée Drolet et Mélanie Ruest.Élise Courcault - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (1):152.
    « De l’éthique à l’ergothérapie » de Marie-Josée Drolet et Mélanie Ruest vise à outiller l’étudiant et le professionnel en ergothérapie face à des situations complexes soulevant des enjeux éthiques. Combinant théorie, cas tirés de la pratique de l’ergothérapie et courts exercices d’application des connaissances, les auteures guident le lecteur sur le chemin de l’analyse éthique. Ce livre s’adresse à toute personne désireuse d’intégrer l’éthique à sa pratique, pour un cheminement personnel mais aussi collectif et interdisciplinaire.
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  3. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Elise et Célestin Freinet: correspondance 21 mars 1940-28 octobre 1941.Elise Freinet - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Célestin Freinet & Madeleine Freinet.
    Célestin Freinet a été arrêté le 20 mars 1940 comme militant communiste, sur ordre du Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes, et interné dans divers camps du sud de la France jusqu'au mois d'octobre 1941. C'est à " former en l'enfant l'homme de demain ", un enfant plus instruit, plus responsable, plus heureux, que s'est attaché cet infatigable promoteur d'une pédagogie nouvelle coopérative. On retrouvera dans ces lettres l'essentiel de la réflexion éducative contenant en germe ses deux ouvrages majeurs, " l'éducation du travail (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Intraoperative Neuroscience Research: Assessing Subjects’ Recall of Informed Consent and Motivations for Participation.Anna Wexler, Rebekah J. Choi, Ashwin G. Ramayya, Nikhil Sharma, Brendan J. McShane, Love Y. Buch, Melanie P. Donley-Fletcher, Joshua I. Gold, Gordon H. Baltuch, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (1):57-66.
    BackgroundAn increasing number of studies utilize intracranial electrophysiology in human subjects to advance basic neuroscience knowledge. However, the use of neurosurgical patients as human research subjects raises important ethical considerations, particularly regarding informed consent and undue influence, as well as subjects’ motivations for participation. Yet a thorough empirical examination of these issues in a participant population has been lacking. The present study therefore aimed to empirically investigate ethical concerns regarding informed consent and voluntariness in Parkinson’s disease patients undergoing deep brain (...)
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  6.  23
    Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway.Ingrid Miljeteig, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund, Elisabeth Schanche, Margrethe Schaufel & Kristine Husøy Onarheim - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):66-81.
    Background: The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges on healthcare systems and professionals worldwide and introduced a ´maelstrom´ of ethical dilemmas. How ethically demanding situations are handled affects employees’ moral stress and job satisfaction. Aim: Describe priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians across medical specialties in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Norway. Research design: A cross-sectional hospital-based survey was conducted from 23 April to 11 May 2020. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval granted (...)
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    A qualitative examination of graduating nurses’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic.Rachelle J. Lancaster, Catherine Schmitt & Melanie Debish - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1337-1347.
    Background: Currently, graduating nurses face pandemic-related uncertainty including gaps in risk perception, unexpected Covid-19 moral dilemmas, and distress surrounding personal health risk. Research question/aim/objectives/Method: The purpose of this basic qualitative descriptive study is to describe the willingness of graduating nurses to provide care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Participants and research context: One week prior to graduation, students were required to submit a written assignment describing willingness to practice in light of the ongoing pandemic. Ethical considerations: This study was approved by (...)
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    Culling and the Common Good: Re-evaluating Harms and Benefits under the One Health Paradigm.Chris Degeling, Zohar Lederman & Melanie Rock - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):244-254.
    One Health is a novel paradigm that recognizes that human and non-human animal health is interlinked through our shared environment. Increasingly prominent in public health responses to zoonoses, OH differs from traditional approaches to animal-borne infectious risks, because it also aims to promote the health of animals and ecological systems. Despite the widespread adoption of OH, culling remains a key component of institutional responses to the risks of zoonoses. Using the threats posed by highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses to human (...)
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    Processing of Numerical and Proportional Quantifiers.Sailee Shikhare, Stefan Heim, Elise Klein, Stefan Huber & Klaus Willmes - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (7):1504-1536.
    Quantifier expressions like “many” and “at least” are part of a rich repository of words in language representing magnitude information. The role of numerical processing in comprehending quantifiers was studied in a semantic truth value judgment task, asking adults to quickly verify sentences about visual displays using numerical or proportional quantifiers. The visual displays were composed of systematically varied proportions of yellow and blue circles. The results demonstrated that numerical estimation and numerical reference information are fundamental in encoding the meaning (...)
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  10.  24
    An Institutional Self-Study of Text-Matching Software in a Canadian Graduate-Level Engineering Program.Sarah Elaine Eaton, Katherine Crossman, Laleh Behjat, Robin Michael Yates, Elise Fear & Milana Trifkovic - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (3):263-282.
    This institutional self-study investigated the use of text-matching software to prevent plagiarism by students in a Canadian university that did not have an institutional license for TMS at the time of the study. Assignments from a graduate-level engineering course were analyzed using iThenticate®. During the initial phase of the study, similarity scores from the first student assignments were collected to determine a baseline level of textual similarity. Students were then offered an educational intervention workshop on academic integrity. Another set of (...)
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  11.  32
    Ethical and social implications of approaching death prediction in humans - when the biology of ageing meets existential issues.Marie Gaille, Marco Araneda, Clément Dubost, Clémence Guillermain, Sarah Kaakai, Elise Ricadat, Nicolas Todd & Michael Rera - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundThe discovery of biomarkers of ageing has led to the development of predictors of impending natural death and has paved the way for personalised estimation of the risk of death in the general population. This study intends to identify the ethical resources available to approach the idea of a long-lasting dying process and consider the perspective of death prediction. The reflection on human mortality is necessary but not sufficient to face this issue. Knowledge about death anticipation in clinical contexts allows (...)
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    Do high-status people really have fewer children?Jason Weeden, Michael J. Abrams, Melanie C. Green & John Sabini - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (4):377-392.
    Evolutionary discussions regarding the relationship between social status and fertility in the contemporary U.S. typically claim that the relationship is either negative or absent entirely. The published data on recent generations of Americans upon which such statements rest, however, are solid with respect to women but sparse and equivocal for men. In the current study, we investigate education and income in relation to age at first child, childlessness, and number of children for men and women in two samples—one of the (...)
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    Étude des répercussions de la séparation parentale à partir du test de l'arbre généalogique.André Mariage, Patrice Cuynet & Mélanie Jacquot - 2006 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 171 (1):103-115.
    Lors de la séparation des parents, l’enfant est confronté à leur demande implicite de confirmer leur généalogie. Au travers d’une étude de situation, nous montrerons l’intérêt de l’utilisation du test de l’arbre généalogique, comme outil de compréhension de la dynamique conflictuelle et des enjeux de la transmission de la filiation.
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    Privacy concerns can stress you out: Investigating the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress.Jörg Matthes, Marina F. Thomas, Kathrin Karsay, Melanie Hirsch, Anna Koemets, Desirée Schmuck & Anja Stevic - 2022 - Communications 47 (3):327-349.
    Mobile social media have become a widespread means to participate in everyday social and professional life. These platforms encourage the disclosure and exchange of personal information, which comes with privacy risks. While past scholarship has listed various predictors and consequences of online privacy concerns, there has been to date no empirical investigation of a conceivable relationship with perceived stress. Using a longitudinal panel study, we examined the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress. Results supported the (...)
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    Zwischen Ungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit: Grundlagen und Konkretionen im Gesundheitswesen.Frank Mathwig, Torsten Meireis & Melanie Warren (eds.) - 2019 - Zürich: TVZ Theologischer Verlag Zürich.
    Gerechtigkeit ist ein zentraler Wert in Politik und Gesellschaft. Trotzdem ist sie im Hinblick auf ihren Gehalt und ihre Reichweite höchst umstritten. Die Autorinnen und Autoren diskutieren grundlegend ethische und konkret praktische Fragen der Gerechtigkeit in Bezug auf Gesundheitswesen, Medizin, Pflegebeziehungen und Biotechnologien. Wie sieht eine gerechte Verteilung knapper Ressourcen in der Gesundheitsversorgung aus? Was sind die ethischen Grundlagen und worauf zielt eine gerechte Verteilung von Gesundheitsleistungen? Welche besonderen Problemstellungen zur Frage der Gerechtigkeit ergeben sich im Verlauf eines menschlichen Lebens? (...)
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    Does COVID-19 Impact Less on Post-stroke Aphasia? This Is Not the Case.Francesca Pisano, Alberto Giachero, Cristian Rugiero, Melanie Calati & Paola Marangolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has greatly affected people’s mental health resulting in severe psychological consequences. One of the leading causes of long-term disability worldwide is aphasia. The language changes experienced by a person with aphasia often have a sudden and long-lasting negative impact on social interaction, quality of life, and emotional wellbeing. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on the different psychosocial dimensions which affect PWA.MethodsThis retrospective study included 73 PWA and 81 (...)
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  17.  28
    As perdas e o processo de luto na velhice: um olhar a partir da psicanálise.Alison Maciel Cezar, Peterson de Pinho, Anny Elise Braga, Camila Cortellete Pereira da Silva & Maurício Cardoso da Silva Junior - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):192-206.
    Por meio de uma revisão integrativa, busca-se identificar, dentro da produção científica brasileira, artigos que fazem intersecção entre os temas do luto e da velhice, sob o olhar da psicanálise. Desta forma, se visa estabelecer qual o enfoque dado ao idoso e qual a visão apresentada pela psicanálise para um trabalho com esta população que se encontra mais propensa a rupturas e perdas. Assim, se reconhece que há uma identificação de morte e finitude vinculada à figura do sujeito que envelhece, (...)
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    Care, sex, net, work: feministische Kämpfe und Kritiken der Gegenwart: Gabriele Winker zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.Gabriele Winker, Tanja Carstensen, Melanie Gross & Kathrin Schrader (eds.) - 2016 - Münster: Unrast.
  19.  76
    An Emotion Regulation and Impulse Control (ERIC) Intervention for Vulnerable Young People: A Multi-Sectoral Pilot Study.Kate Hall, George Youssef, Angela Simpson, Elise Sloan, Liam Graeme, Natasha Perry, Richard Moulding, Amanda L. Baker, Alison K. Beck & Petra K. Staiger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: There is a demonstrated link between the mental health and substance use comorbidities experienced by young adults, however the vast majority of psychological interventions are disorder specific. Novel psychological approaches that adequately acknowledge the psychosocial complexity and transdiagnostic needs of vulnerable young people are urgently needed. A modular skills-based program for emotion regulation and impulse control addresses this gap. The current one armed open trial was designed to evaluate the impact that 12 weeks exposure to ERIC alongside usual care (...)
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  20. Auditory processing in severely brain injured patients: Differences between the minimally conscious state and the persistent vegetative state.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & Philippe Peigneux - 2004 - Archives of Neurology 61 (2):233-238.
  21. Perception of Nigerian Dùndún Talking Drum Performances as Speech-Like vs. Music-Like: The Role of Familiarity and Acoustic Cues.Cecilia Durojaye, Lauren Fink, Tina Roeske, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Pauline Larrouy-Maestri - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It seems trivial to identify sound sequences as music or speech, particularly when the sequences come from different sound sources, such as an orchestra and a human voice. Can we also easily distinguish these categories when the sequence comes from the same sound source? On the basis of which acoustic features? We investigated these questions by examining listeners’ classification of sound sequences performed by an instrument intertwining both speech and music: the dùndún talking drum. The dùndún is commonly used in (...)
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    Locus of Control and Negative Cognitive Styles in Adolescence as Risk Factors for Depression Onset in Young Adulthood: Findings From a Prospective Birth Cohort Study.Ilaria Costantini, Alex S. F. Kwong, Daniel Smith, Melanie Lewcock, Deborah A. Lawlor, Paul Moran, Kate Tilling, Jean Golding & Rebecca M. Pearson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Whilst previous observational studies have linked negative thought processes such as an external locus of control and holding negative cognitive styles with depression, the directionality of these associations and the potential role that these factors play in the transition to adulthood and parenthood has not yet been investigated. This study examined the association between locus of control and negative cognitive styles in adolescence and probable depression in young adulthood and whether parenthood moderated these associations. Using a UK prospective population-based birth (...)
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  23.  40
    Social Network and Participation in Elderly Primary Care Patients in Germany and Associations with Depressive Symptoms-A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the Study.Flora Wendel, Alexander Bauer, Iris Blotenberg, Christian Brettschneider, Maresa Buchholz, David Czock, Juliane Döhring, Catharina Escales, Thomas Frese, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Hanna Kaduszkiewicz, Hans-Helmut König, Margrit Löbner, Melanie Luppa, Rosemarie Schwenker, Jochen René Thyrian, Marina Weißenborn, Birgitt Wiese, Isabel Zöllinger, Steffi G. Riedel-Heller & Jochen Gensichen - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (19):5940.
    This study aims to describe social network and social participation and to assess associations with depressive symptoms in older persons with increased risk for dementia in Germany. We conducted a cross-sectional observational study in primary care patients (aged 60-77) as part of a multicenter cluster-randomized controlled trial ( We present descriptive and multivariate analyses for social networks (Lubben Social Network Scale and subscales) and social participation (item list of social activities) and analyze associations of these variables with depressive symptoms (Geriatric (...)
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  24. 179 Melanie Klein.Melanie Klein - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 178.
  25.  41
    What to Think of Canine Obesity? Emerging Challenges to Our Understanding of Human–Animal Health Relationships.Chris Degeling, Ian Kerridge & Melanie Rock - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (1):90 - 104.
    (2013). What to Think of Canine Obesity? Emerging Challenges to Our Understanding of Human–Animal Health Relationships. Social Epistemology: Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 90-104. doi: 10.1080/02691728.2012.760662.
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    A Self-Compassion and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Mobile Intervention (Serene) for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress: Promoting Adaptive Emotional Regulation and Wisdom.Mohamed Al-Refae, Amr Al-Refae, Melanie Munroe, Nicole A. Sardella & Michel Ferrari - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Many individuals and families are currently experiencing a high level of COVID-19-related stress and are struggling to find helpful coping mechanisms. Mindfulness-based interventions are becoming an increasingly popular treatment for individuals experiencing depression and chronic levels of stress. The app draws from scholarly evidence on the efficacy of mindfulness meditations and builds on the pre-existing apps by incorporating techniques that are used in some therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to a (...)
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  27. Complexity: a guided tour.Melanie Mitchell - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of individual neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? What is it that guides self-organizing structures like the immune system, the World Wide Web, the global economy, and the human genome? These are just a few of the fascinating and elusive questions that the science of complexity seeks to answer. In this remarkably accessible and companionable book, leading complex systems (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Why Double-Check?Elise Woodard - 2022 - Episteme:1-24.
    Can you rationally double-check what you already know? In this paper, I argue that you can. Agents can know that something is true and rationally double-check it at the very same time. I defend my position by considering a wide variety of cases where agents double-check their beliefs to gain epistemic improvements beyond knowledge. These include certainty, epistemic resilience, and sensitivity to error. Although this phenomenon is widespread, my proposal faces two types of challenges. First, some have defended ignorance norms, (...)
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  29.  12
    Sonic soma: sound, body and the origins of the alphabet.Elise Kermani - 2009 - New York: Atropos Press.
    Kermani traces the history of mankind from the origins of society and language to the present, and un-mutes the silence that resulted from the moment man began to write his history instead of listening to history's story.
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  30.  20
    Présentation mythes du donné? Sellars en perspective.Élise Marrou - 2012 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 103 (4):435-453.
  31. Comparative reflection on the transposition of European directives : unfair terms.Elise Poillot - 2009 - In Albert Breton (ed.), Multijuralism: manifestations, causes, and consequences. Burlington. VT: Ashgate.
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  32. Becoming human: the archaeological challenge.Colin Renfrew - 2006 - In Renfrew Colin (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 139, 2005 Lectures. pp. 217-238.
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  33.  10
    Metaphysik des Irgendwie: Georg Simmel als Philosoph.Melanie Riedel - 2021 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Together with Max Weber, Georg Simmel is one of the founders of modern sociology. He is less well known as a philosopher. Here he emerges as a modern author who tries to uphold the claim of philosophy under the conditions of relativism, scientific positivism and historicism. His very own understanding of a this-worldly metaphysics as well as his affinity for mysticism play a prominent role in this"--Summary on t.p. verso.
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    Educating nurse leaders in ethics and end-of-life care.Melanie Simpson - 1998 - Bioethics Forum 15 (4):25-28.
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    Contract law, economic reasoning, and trade agreements.Elise Vâlcu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
  36. The Ignorance Norm and Paradoxical Assertions.Elise Woodard - 2022 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):321-332.
    Can agents rationally inquire into things that they know? On my view, the answer is yes. Call this view the Compatibility Thesis. One challenge to this thesis is to explain why assertions like “I know that p, but I’m wondering whether p” sound odd, if not Moore-Paradoxical. In response to this challenge, I argue that we can reject one or both premises that give rise to it. First, we can deny that inquiry requires interrogative attitudes. Second, we can deny the (...)
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  37. Theory and Explanation in Archaeology the Southampton Conference /Edited by Colin Renfrew, Michael J. Rowlands, Barbara Abbott Segraves. --. --.Colin Renfrew, M. Rowlands, Barbara Abbott Segraves & Theoretical Archaeology Group - 1982 - Academic Press, 1982.
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  38. Symbol before concept: material engagement and the early development of society.Colin Renfrew - 2001 - In Ian Hodder (ed.), Archaeological theory today. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 122--40.
  39. Bad Sex and Consent.Elise Woodard - 2022 - In David Boonin (ed.), Handbook of Sexual Ethics. Palgrave. pp. 301--324.
    It is widely accepted that consent is a normative power. For instance, consent can make an impermissible act permissible. In the words of Heidi Hurd, it “turns a trespass into a dinner party... an invasion of privacy into an intimate moment.” In this chapter, I argue against the assumption that consent has such robust powers for moral transformation. In particular, I argue that there is a wide range of sex that harms or wrongs victims despite being consensual. Moreover, these cases (...)
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    Idiosyncratic Deals from a Distributive Justice Perspective: Examining Co-workers’ Voice Behavior.Elise Marescaux, Sophie De Winne & Luc Sels - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):263-281.
    This study focuses on a third-party perspective of idiosyncratic deals. More specifically, we look into the differential judgments co-workers make about i-deals in their work environment, as well as their reactions. Based on equity theory, we examine to what extent the content of the i-deal and the work context explain co-worker judgments regarding i-deal fairness in addition to subsequent voice behavior. A vignette study with 1988 respondents shows that when i-deals are considered distributively unfair, co-workers try to restore equity through (...)
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  41. Scientific realism and the case of weak interactions.Elise Crull - unknown
    Advocates of scientic realism typically respond to the challenge of the pessimistic meta-induction by turning to the history of science. The episode most frequently discussed is the shift from Fresnel's wave theory of light to Maxwell's electromagnetism. This particular history is taken to represent one of the hardest problems for the realist, for while it exhibits continuity on the empirical level, it simultaneously represents a dramatic shift in ontology. Thus, various authors have proposed methods for defeating the pessimistic meta-induction based (...)
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    The accidental transgressor: Morally-relevant theory of mind.Melanie Killen, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Cameron Richardson, Noah Jampol & Amanda Woodward - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):197-215.
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    A Theoretical Foundation for the Ethical Distribution of Authorship in Multidisciplinary Publications.Smith Elise - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (3):371-411.
    In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick were named as the authors of the publication “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids; a Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid” in the journal Nature. While historians have debated the relevance and importance of various discoveries in molecular science, there is little dispute as to the major significance of the discovery of the double-helix structure of deoxyribose nucleic acid. But what of Rosalind Franklin? There is little mention in science manuals of the contribution of the (...)
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    Doctors' dilemmas: medical ethics and contemporary science.Melanie Phillips - 1985 - New York: Methuen. Edited by John Dawson.
  45. Epistemic Atonement.Elise Woodard - 2023 - In Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics Volume 18. Oxford University Press.
    When we think about agents who change a long-standing belief, we sometimes have conflicting reactions. On the one hand, such agents often epistemically improve. For example, their new belief may be better supported by the evidence or closer to the truth. On the other hand, such agents are often subject to criticism. Examples include politicians who change their minds on whether climate change is occurring or whether vaccines cause autism. What explains this criticism, and is it ever justified? To answer (...)
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  46. Narrative of a Child Analysis.Melanie Klein - 1961 - .
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    Costly false beliefs: What self-deception and pragmatic encroachment can tell us about the rationality of beliefs.Melanie Sarzano - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (2):95-118.
    Melanie Sarzano | : In this paper, I compare cases of self-deception and cases of pragmatic encroachment and argue that confronting these cases generates a dilemma about rationality. This dilemma turns on the idea that subjects are motivated to avoid costly false beliefs, and that both cases of self-deception and cases of pragmatic encroachment are caused by an interest to avoid forming costly false beliefs. Even though both types of cases can be explained by the same belief-formation mechanism, only (...)
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  48. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis.Melanie Klein, Paula Heinmann & Roger Money-Kyrle - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (25):105-110.
  49. Rights and value in rescission : some implications for unjust enrichment.Elise Bant - 2011 - In Donal Nolan & Andrew Robertson (eds.), Rights and private law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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  50. On Resentment: Past and Present.Dermineur Elise - 2013 - Cambridge Publishers.
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